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You should use this if you want vehicles to throw purple backfire.

In order for the flame to be seen you need to add to every car in your server this ptfx asset: <ptfxAssetName>veh_xs_vehicle_mods</ptfxAssetName>

Triggerevent to fill empty tube :

Client Event:

For those who want to use the empty tube filling with the target

Qb-Target :

exports['qb-target']:AddBoxZone("mechanicz", vector3(-347.05, -139.5, 38.85), 2.0, 2.5, { name="mechanicz", heading = 300.01, minZ=37.45, maxZ=39.45 }, 
    { options = { {  event = "samy-nitro:setemptyfuelvehicle", icon = "fas fa-car", label = "Nitro TΓΌpΓΌ Doldur", item = "bos_nitro", job = "mechanic"}, },
      distance = 2.0

For those who want to use the empty tube filling with the target

BT-Target :

local fillnos = {
AddTargetModel(fillnos, {
    options = {
          event = "nitro:set_empty_fuel_vehicle",
          icon = "fas fa-car",
          label = "Fill Nos",
    job = {"job"},
    distance = 3.0

It's tuned for oxmysql.


Do not forget to read the samynitro.sql file into your database.

Last updated